Are you just starting out with Vue.js? Or has it been long since you’ve worked with Vue? This cheat sheet lists the nine most common tasks and solutions when outputting data to HTML.
So Vite was so fast last week that I wanna keep using it. For the next project, I need an SSG. VitePress sounds promising. Can it be a viable alternative to Next, Gatsby, and Nuxt?
Last week I built my first Vue3 app using TypeScript and Composition API. This time I wanna try to run it on Vite and see how fast the development can get.
This quick-hit breakout session discusses all things image-related in live Q&A. We touched on pre-loading images and image optimization best practices on Gatsby sites.
Learn how to win content editors and marketers over by enabling a great content editing experience on Gatsby sites using SmartLink SDK and Web Spotlight.
MMT Tech Talk is a monthly (virtual) meetup that this time was focused on news around Gatsby. I presented how to use the new StaticImage and GatsbyImage components.
In JavaScript, a debounce function makes sure that your code is only triggered once per user input. Search box suggestions, text-field auto-saves, and eliminating double-button clicks are all use cases for debounce.
The Jamstack is a modern approach to building websites and apps, delivering better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience. However, with so many tools to choose from, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Is your blog built using Next.js and you want to use syntax highlighting on code samples? This short guide will show you how to plug Highlight.js into your Next.js site.
Last time we built a Hello World site, but the connection to a headless CMS left us with an error. This time we'll focus on debugging it and getting the content into the static site.
Last week I was recording a presentation for the conference Kontent Horizons. I did not want to just use a webcam and laptop mic, so I had borrowed a Sony Alpha II camera.
These nice transitions between static pages that don't make your browser flick, do you have them on your website? No? It only takes an hour to set it up on a Next.js site.
I'm still trying to figure out how to build a site in Angular. Today I'll try adding the Scully scent to it. Let's see if the experience will be as smooth as with React or Vue.
This year I've tried to learn Vue and React and eventually got familiar with them, even started to like them! 😄 Now I take a bigger fish - how does Angular compare to the JavaScript frameworks I already know?
Sometimes it's JavaScript, sometimes it's TypeScript, and it all looks the same. So what is TypeScript and why some people use it instead of JavaScript?
Resolving links between items and rich text elements are completely different in the new and fast Kontent source plugin for Gatsby. Is it easier or more complicated?
Every project the frontend guys talk about Javascript frameworks, Vue, React, Angular, and others. What are they and why are they used instead of plain Javascript?
The original Lumen is built with Gatsby and connected to Kentico Kontent headless CMS. The site is already running, but some styles are missing as they were hard-coded in components. Uhh. Let's fix that and see where that takes us...
Gatsby helps developers build blazing fast websites. But how fast is build time for the actual website itself? And how can one developer advocate help reduce build times for thousands of others?
The original Lumen is built with Gatsby and connected to Kentico Kontent headless CMS. I tried to convert it to Gridsome last week and stumbled upon a nasty error that blocked me for several hours.
When we are considering which framework to use for new web projects, we tend to prefer the tools we know regardless of how suitable they are. So I tried the opposite.
The original Lumen is built with Gatsby and connected to Kentico Kontent headless CMS. I'll try to convert it to Gridsome and expect to have everything done in 1-2 hours. Crazy estimate? We'll see :-)
I managed to update the menu component to use the new version of the Gatsby source plugin for Kentico Kontent. It's a bit of recursive thinking, may need to adjust the implementation in the future, but it works for now.
You get excited about a product only to find out you need to fill in your credit card details in order to sign up. Or you can use it for free with one exception—the feature that got you excited in the first place. Conditions, rules, exceptions... enough. What if developers actually designed a free headless CMS plan for themselves?
In the times of monolithic systems, it was crucial to pick the right system at the beginning. That decision inevitably locked you with a single vendor for years. Nowadays, in the microservices era, vendors claim itʼs easy to switch between their systems. Letʼs take a look at what “easy” means when switching your headless CMS and whether that decision could cost you your job.
The microservices approach promises easy switching between services and claims to enable you to use the best-of-breed tools. Is this true? How hard is it to switch a headless CMS that powers your website?
One of the reasons we create JAMstack sites is because of their great performance. Serving static files is easy and quick. But what if we upgrade the visitor's experience and make the site available offline?
What is Sourcebit? How does it work and how does it make Jamstack website implementation easier? Should you use it for your next project?
I aim to answer these questions during my presentation about Sourcebit. I explain how it tries to unify the relationships between headless CMSs and static site generators.
Everywhere you look, you see the word “Jamstack.” So you’ve probably thought about building a site using a static site generator. But where do you start? How do you choose the right framework for you and your team?
On average I work with JSON data 18 times a week. And I still need to google for specific ways to manipulate them almost every time. What if there was an ultimate guide that could always give you the answer?
We all know we should write unit tests. But, it's hard to know where to start and how much time to devote to tests compared to actual implementation. So, where to start? And is it just about testing code or do unit tests have other benefits?